Thanks, George. That's a good idea for those who listen at loud volumes and have speakers that accommodate using two amps configured as you suggest. However, that wouldn't work for me. Ohms have just one driver that handles the whole range up to 8K or 9K and then use a single tweeter to supplement above that, with only a single set of terminals for both drivers.
Fortunately, for my preferred listening level the Aegir is proving to be a great choice for me. I'm continuing to experiment with a wide variety of music (with the meters still connected) and haven't found a situation yet that seems to stress the amp or demand more power than what's available. Obviously whether that works for others is something they'll have to check out themselves. Those who want high volume will be out of luck with a single Aegir unless they have very efficient speakers.
Fortunately, for my preferred listening level the Aegir is proving to be a great choice for me. I'm continuing to experiment with a wide variety of music (with the meters still connected) and haven't found a situation yet that seems to stress the amp or demand more power than what's available. Obviously whether that works for others is something they'll have to check out themselves. Those who want high volume will be out of luck with a single Aegir unless they have very efficient speakers.