Ok you totally missed my point so I’ll try to simplify as best I can.
If you haven’t figured it out yet from the countless threads, and by an order of magnitude, even more countless posts, everyone has a flavor of speaker they worship and defend and profess to tell you why theirs is the best and yours simply is not — it’s the human condition on display.
But, and a big but, since our brains all hear differently it’s mostly all subjective so what then is the common denominator, if any, and putting aside economics?
Well taking in all these countless threads and even more countless posts, it tends to come down to the type of music one predominantly listens to —their musical preference whether it’s pop, classical, jazz, rock, etc that person generally is more likely to favor a certain speaker type/crossover design over another. Hope that helps ! Of course you can over complicate it but what’s the point of that? Life is difficult enough but this really isn’t.