Luxman E-250 or Sutherland 20/20, or something else?

Moving on from my C48 preamp which had a very capable MC/MM phono section. In the $2,500 +- category narrowed it down to the Luxman and Sutherland 20/20. Didn’t know anything about either till I started researching. The Luxman has some cool design features and more flexibility than the Sutherland, IMO. I’m intrigued by their step up transformer for LO MC carts, which I have (Cadenza Black). Filter switches could be nice to have. The mono function seems intriguing but do I need it if I use a mono cart? However, very little user feedback online about this product. 

The Sutherland obviously has a solid reputation with Stereophile and Absolute Sound recommendations. Also, lots of user feedback that generally provide favorable reviews. Not too fond of having two wall warts for the base model so would probably have to spend the extra for the line power supply, so that puts the 20/20 about $400 more than the Luxman. Is the extra money worth it for the 20/20 over the Lux? Has any one tried either of these? Any other recommendations in this price range? Thanks in advance for your comments/questions. 
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I ended up going with a Herron 2, not 2A. I like there design approach, got a decent deal on it, so worth giving it a go. I like there does Spoke with Keith Herron about getting additional plugs. Supper nice guy. It’s nice knowing your product can be supported if need be. I’ll keep you all posted. Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

Congrats on the Herron. Are you planning to continue using the Cadenza Ortofon Black? I have a VTPH-2A and wouldn’t recommend going any lower in output than the 0.3mV your cart is spec’d at. Let us know how it sounds!
Hey 3EP, I’m sticking with the Cadeza Black. I have the 64 gain tube set up and Keith Herron thinks that’s enough for my cart. May have to play around with load settings to find the sweet spot. It’ll arrive next week. Anxious to hear how it will sound with my system.