Nobody will recommend it, there is an unspoken rule to never mention the standout solution, even when - "smooth silky midrange and top end, sweet and detailed delivery of delicate sounds, like vocals and piano, After that, I want a big, authoritative sound with meaningful bass, detail - everything one would want in a speaker, but compromises can be made"- yes compromises can be made, and will with all the other suggestions. Big time.millercarbon, could you summarize that for me? I couldn't tell if the point is:
"For say, heavy metal, I don’t care if the system reproduces it perfectly, only that it tilts away from ragged, ringing tones as much as possible." Yes well guess what you can have that too.
"I get that the whole system matters, and that Brystons are supposed to be a little hard. But this problem really started with the new speakers, so that is where I am focusing."
Right. You know the speakers started it so out they go. What I'm talking, if you hear any hard edge, or lack of detail for that matter, it is upstream.
The speaker that combines the dynamics and efficiency of a good horn with the speed and detail of a stat, with the cohesive one-ness of a Maggie, the smoothness of Vandersteen and delivers it all up on a great big plate stacked with the meat and potatoes it takes to deliver on the big powerful stuff.
Do I have to say it? Do I really have to say it? Everyone knows, and yet all the same old same old. Is this a website or an echo chamber?
I'm asking for the sun and the moon in a convenient package, and it doesn't exist.
There is an obvious choice that is unspoken (Do divulge, please!).
The Dynaudio's are fine, and any hard edge is almost certainly upstream (even though not apparent with my B&W's??).