Kimber 4tc good enough?

I'm currently using a single run of kimber 4tc to drive my persona 7f speakers with a hegel h360. While the dealer I bought the speakers from suggest wires don't matter I notice the stuff he uses is bigger than a garden hose and a product the shop doesn't even carry. Would bi wiring with a second pair of 4tc wires instead of the jumpers matter? 
Can the 4tc choke the speakers of watts?
I bought a  4TC for bi-wring , it is just two 7 feet 4tc 's cables coming to gotogether at the bananna .   Those 8 pieces of cable  will bring a lot more .
And it sounds very good  running into a Quad  S5 which is a speaker that needs some juice.  150W Belles is the amp.
Wire was bought from Audio Advisor .
I’ll take that as a yes. It appears kimber changed the line some so I’ll be buying used to get the same blue/black I use now.
try some 8TC, if it doesn't sound better, should be easy to sell for what you paid...maybe the dealer was afraid if you were told you needed more expensive wire, you might not buy the speakers...clearly the dealer likes the bigger stuff...
Mr. steve 59

Your Hegel H360 has a DF of >4000! for 7ft length, you need 16 times (in parallel) #0 AWG cable. Not very likely you do it. but you may...
Any way rather than look for some branded #12 AWG or less thick cable, do yourself a favor and gear up to the thicker you can get. For 4x 0 AWG, you may use a connecting bloc and at the end, a short #8 AWG that would fit most banana plugs or spades.
By ignoring this, you will use only a small friction of your Amp’s capabilities to drive a speaker at perfection. So do the math, a #12 AWG cable is about to use only 1/288 or 0.34% of what you invested in your gear!