Has anyone compared the Ayre KX-5 and the Moon 740-P

  I have decided to go back to solid state and sell my Audio Research REF-5se. I had posted a thread some time back on whether to do this or not and prefer not to discuss the pros and cons of Tube vs SS.
  So I have kind of honed in on these two as the next move. I will do an in home audition before I decide, but would like to hear some opinions from those that may have heard both. And if you have heard the REF5, what are your thoughts on what to expect in sonic differences between the ARC and the solid state units mentioned.

thank you 
arc will image broader taller deeper, more bloom in mids midbass less in the deep bass, treble and transients will more relaxed
I wouldn't say that about Ayre at all, but it also depends on which piece it is.

For example, I demoed an ARC Ref 6 against a KX-R Twenty and it took me less than two minutes to give the Ayre the win in terms of soundstage width and depth.

The ARC sounded very good but the Ayre was much better.


i would submit, not having been there when/where you did this ’demo’ -- that the demo was not set up correctly if you came to your conclusion so quickly so clearly... but hey, i wasn’t there, if you’re happy with the result and your buying decision that is all that matters
I realize that there is a price to be paid in the transition to SS from Tubes. But so far I am gleaning that Ayre will be the choice between the 2 I inquired about. The one thought that led me to the Moon was that I could add a power supply at a later date. 
I still haven’t done the in home demo but hopefully after the first of the year hopefully work lets me take a few days to arrange the demo. 
Thanks for the responses so far and Merry Christmas to all.