DAC for multiple CD players?

Please recommend nice DAC's that I could use with 2 CD players. My wife loves to play her CD's in an old Pioneer 6 disk player. I have a MF A3.2 CD and think maybe I should sell it and buy a cheap transport and a DAC.

Does this sound like a good idea? Any input would be appreciated.

AMP - Plinius 9100
Speakers- Opera Quinta
It sounds like your wife likes the multi disc player. I use an inexpensive Sony DVD changer with a Bel Canto DAC 1.1 and am very satisfied. John Stronczer of Bel Canto even recommends using his dacs with a dvd player. You could also just use separate inputs on your Plinius for each player.
I'm using an old but wonderful California Audio Labs Alpha DAC connected to a CAL Delta transport via a balanced connection and to a CAL CL-10 5-CD carousel player via digital coax. The Alpha also has a toslink input which I've used periodically to connect to an otherwise lousy sounding dual-drawer CD recorder. I'm sure there are many other DACs with similar flexibility. With the Alpha, you can easily switch between inputs via a button on the front panel, which is convenient, and they can be found used on Audiogon now and then.
That is what I hope to do, use a DAC for both the single CD player and the multiple CD player. I'm not sure how a find the DACs that can be used for two players. I will take a look at the Alpha DAC.
Check out the back of the MF and the Pioneer to see what kind of digital out each offers. Do you need a dac with two optical inputs or one that has an optical and an rca type input? One that has two rca inputs? Most dacs feature both optical and rca digital inputs. It's harder to find one that has two optical ins or two rca ins. I recently picked up a used EAD 7000 dac. It has three inputs. I'm using one to convert the signal from my dvd player and another to convert the signal from my cable box. I plan on using the third to convert the digital signal from my computer. Like the Alpha Zinfan mentions, the EAD allows you to select which input you want via front panel buttons.