Where to go after Devore Fidelity Super 8's

Hello all current and former Devore Fidelity speaker owners.

I have been enjoying Devores for nearly 3 years and I am wondering where to turn for the Devore sound with more bass impact.

What I'd like to know....especially from those of you who have retired your Devore's in favor of another speaker....is, where did you turn?
one of the few speakers that listeners seem to love as much as Devore is Merlin.

Maybe set up an audition?

with the BAM bass extension they may suit your needs.
While I didn't have the Super 8 speakers, I did have the Gibbon 8 speakers in my system for about 6 months. I found the bass considerably lacking and ended up putting a Paradigm sub into the mix. It took me 2 months of tweaking it to get the sub to blend seemlessly with the DeVore speakers, but the DeVores never threw out the big kind of sound that I had gotten from my previously owned Vandersteen speakers.

I sold the DeVore speakers and Paradigm sub for a slight loss and took delivery of a pair of Odyssey Kismet reference speakers. The speakers have exceeded ALL of my expectations and they will remain in my system for many years to come.
The new 'to be unveiled' speaker is the Super 8's replacement, the 88. I notice the Nines will now sport a new bamboo cabinet like the 3XL and new 88.

My current components Wadia 171i into April Music Eximus DP1 dac, into MastersounD DueVenti integrated with Verastarr cabling.

Acoustic, jazz, pop, classic rock....moderate volume levels

Room size is 14x23 vaulted ceilings
Spent a considerable amount of time with the Nine's (wonderful speaker!!) before settling on the Audio Note AN-E.
Andrewboettcher--you're right, the gibbon 88 is the latest in the line of 8 series gibbons, replacing the Super 8. These were shown a few weeks ago at RMAF. The new gibbon model we're planing to show at CES in January is another model, coming in above the Nines. In general the new gibbons are considerably more punchy and have more bass dynamic capability than previous models.

In addition, there is the Orangutan series, and the first of this series, the O/96, with it's 10 inch woofer, puts out a great deal of bass energy and impact in most systems.

I've been trying to keep the website updated, but it does inevitably lag behind, sorry for any confusion this has created.

John DeVore