Inexpensive MM Cartridge

Hi All.  I'm helping a friend who has a late 1970's Pioneer PL12 turntable. The manual TT is in good working order, bearing and motor lubed, etc. We need a MM cartridge to mount on the stock S-shaped tonearm.  Budget is up to around $300.  Suggestions please!  Thanks, and Happy Holidays!
Dear @peter_s  : These links confirm what I posted to you in the thread. You or any one can't go wrong with Nagaoka, only ignorant/extremely low knowledge levels persons:


Chakster.  Specs aren't everything. Try listening to the comparisons for once instead of your technical diatribe. I don't ignore specs, but like anything else in this hobby the proof is in the listening. I have had carts you have mentioned specifically the Stanton 881S with Stereohedron profile. My average lifespan for that cartridge tip was about a year to a year and one half with average use. I've had elliptical stylus that have lasted WAY longer than that, and guess what? They sounded much better that the Stantons. I know I have mentioned this many times before, but the Nagaoka bested my beloved Soundsmith Boheme cart which cost me $1200. 

I may not be a professional, but I do know how to set up a turntable, been doing it for 50 years. You can spew specs all you want but as I said, the proof is in the listening. Do you bother doing  that???
Nagaoka MP110. Look this up. Spend the rest on a Shiit Audio Mani phono preamp. If you ever decide to upgrade sell it as a whole TT setup. If you would like you can buy the cart mounted on the head shell. I have this as my AT LP120 setup. Right now I am auditioning a Rega P6 with an EAT eglo petite. Quite a step up from my TT. I might keep both. Sometimes I fall asleep while listening to records. My setup is full automatic. 
The Nagaoka MP110 and Schiitt Mani is a incredible bargain for the money.