Oh, I had a feeling someone would be upset about something. In any case Mrschret I decided with my wife and son that we should only use two of each of our favorite tracks so as not to be a hog at the dealer. I was just being polite. We were there listening to the 3.7's for 3.5 hours as the dealer provided his own music for us after we listen to our own. I would have loved to see how you managed to fit the 3.7's in your car because I couldn't do it, I had to go home and get my GMC Yukon and drop the back seat. The 3.6's just fit and I was barely able to close the tailgate LOL.
As for the myestands, we did give them a chance and all three of us did not like what they did. We also feel that they are a complete waste of money which can be better put towards more music. I had those myestands for two weeks and much prefer the maggies without them and I do know about their ability to tilt. The Maggies actually look better without them. Mrschret, I'm not here to battle with you, I'm just stating my opinion. If you think, or even if you know that the 3.7's are better than the 3.6's then good for you, and if you know they sound better on a myestand, great, I'm happy for you, I don't. To us, it's just not worth the money,I don't like how they sound, nor do I like how they look. If you look at the response from Josh358 where he says people have to decide for themselfs, he's right. I have decided for myself and you have decided for yourself. Let's drop it. I also do not feel the need to go into great detail of what I listen to, or how far away from the wall the speakers were or anything like that I was just merely stating that I thought the 3.7's were really not that much better than the 3.6's and for owner's of the 3.6's not to feel they should quickly sell to get 3.7's
If one has 3.6's keep them, if you don't then get the 3.7's because they are great, but getting the myestands in my opinion is just not a good idea as they do nothing for the great maggies in sound quality and they look terrible.
I'm not telling anybody what to do, I'm just making suggestions. Good luck to all.