Magnepan announces the 20.7

Jacob Heilbrunn has a first look on The Absolute Sound's site.

"But here’s the skinny: no other speaker at this price will offer even remotely similar lifelike performance, and it should—no, will—scare the bejeezus out of most of its competitors. It’s no accident that Audio Research, which I also got to visit, has 3.7 loudspeakers as part of its reference system. So go ahead. Search for another loudspeaker. But I can only wish you good luck. I defy you to find one at up to five times the cost with the scale and realism of the 20.7."
Exactly Nottop.
I really value the opinions expressed in the forum. They are an extremely important contributor to my decision about what to audition and occasionally what to buy if an audition is not possible. I have found much better guidance here than in TAS or stereophile. Ideas expressed here have prompted me to do some things and try some things that seemed implausible at first, but proved to be true in practice. But the final judge on everything is my own ears.

What concerns me a little is when our own strongly held opinions are presented as absolutes, and differing opinions are discredited.
could somebody describe or try to describe which changes the myestands produce in the sound ?

thank you
For me the significant improvement came when I angled my 1.6's forward to achieve a perpendicular between the top to bottom middle of the speaker with my ear. This produced a really significant increase in clarity and focus. The sound was just less smeared, if that makes sense. The idea I guess is that this angle provides the best time alignment. I got the stands for my 1.6's used for $200, and it was a no brainer that it was well worth the cost. I liked what they did enough that I didn't think twice about ordering a new pair at $605 for my 3.7R's. Now, I suppose one could tilt the speakers without the Mye stands, but they would not be stable at the angle required for me, and I am a tall person.
Hey Exron...take a pill. First, I could care less about your Yukon. Second, I never said everyone has Myestands. What I said was that you were the first I'd ever read to not like what they did. As to those that are for sale, your wrong. There's a pair of 1.6's that are selling and the stands are not included. Might that be because he's buying 1.7's and the stands will fit those? That might be why many of them are being sold with stock stands. Because they're moving up and the myestands will still fit. And of course your dealer is going to tell you they don't help. That's like admitting their product has a flaw that can only be fixed if you buy an aftermarket product. Unless your my dealer who admitted right up front that he knows the stands make a big difference. And when I almost bought the 20'1's he did say that he couldn't give me anything for my 3.6 stands cause they won't sell them in the store. I'm not going to say anything about your friends. I'm sure they're all very nice folks, like yourself. I will suggest though that they all get their ears checked. Oh, and don't be too concerned about my blowing all that money on the stands. I can afford it. Oh, almost forgot....LOL
LOLLOLLOL Hey Mrschret, you sound like a 13 year old boy. Your moaning, groaning, and crying over my last post. Oh poor man, you just can't take it. I set up a trap and you fell right in it,LOL. Do you know why I set the trap? I set it to see if you have maturity. Your whole post just reeks of immaturity all over a stupid pair of speaker stands. My God man, do you own stock in the company or what? Now here's where the immaturity really shines when you suggest that our friends have a disability. OMG, how lame can you get. For you to even suggest something like that is absolutely incredible.
Read what you wrote. You start off by saying your not going to say anything about our friends and then you do say something which is so immature it's pitiful . You don't see me saying anything about you or your family do you? do you know why? because I know better, I wouldn't go in that direction. Just because you like the stands and I don't doesn't mean I'm right and your wrong, it just means you like them and I don't, and to suggest that I am concerned about you wasting money is crazy. Why would i care? and why would I care if you can afford them? Do you think I don't want the stands because I can't afford them? LOL LOL LOL
I don't care if you want to put your maggies on mye stands, her stands, or his stands, there is nothing wrong with doing that if you truly believe it does absolute wonders for the sound and at the same time puts the speakers on a pedestal. I tried it and found it not very interesting for me. So, here I am now saying there's nothing wrong with anybody putting their speakers on a stand but because I don't care to do it Mrschret this will just eat you up and turn you into all different colors all over a stupid pair of speaker stands. Hurry up Mrschret and write back, the suspense of what your going to say is killing me. I just want you to know something, if your maturity kicks and you either write a nice letter or you don't write at all I will lose $50.00 on a bet. So please write back so I can win as this is some of the best fun I'm ever having since I joined this wonderful site of Audiogon. Keep it coming Mrschret I could use a fifty. LOL LOL LOL.
Notice, I didn't forget to laugh, I am laughing so hard my stomach is killing me. And now for a real shocker, just to be a real gentleman about the whole thing, I wish the very best to you Mrschret, your family, and your stereo system but why it seems to frost you just because I don't care for the stands is just plain silly.
by Exron