Recommendation for a replacement speaker cable

I believe this is my first time ever asking speaker cable advice, so bear with me.

System is:
Spatial Audio M3 Turbo S speakers
Line Magnetic 518ia integrated
LFD LE phono
AZ interconnects
Decware Styx speaker cables

I've had AZ Satori, Mapleshade Double Helix, and Clear Day Silver speaker cables. Looking for an upgrade under $600 new or used for the Decware Styx I'm running now. I'm not biased against BlueJean or Canare or Silnote or any other non-boutique brand; just a cable that will help me achieve the magic that combination of the LM and the Spatials have the potential for.
Early Goertz cables could run some lesser amps into oscillation and started coming with a Zobel Network. Not any longer though. Nordost makes excellent and Uber expensive speaker cables and most are ribbons. Mapleshade doesn’t make ribbon cables to my knowledge but looking at their speaker cables doesn’t give me much confidence.

I had very expensive (to me) speaker cables and the Canare 4S11 I use now sounds better then the expensive ones I was using. You really do need to run them in though and Canare even says the cables sound their best after being run in. I burned mine in for 17 days straight for 24 hours a day. I used the Isotek system enhancer and burn in CD when I wasn’t listening to the system. Once the cables were burned in I put the treble back to flat on my preamp and it sounds fantastic. Member “Johnto” heard them on my system and bought a set for himself.
I actually biwire. I use Analysis 12 ga wire for the bass and the Theater 4 which is four 16 ga wires to the tweeters. For some reason the smaller ga wire on the tweeters sounds better. I know it equates to 11ga wire. I used to have AP solo crystal oval 8 that was biwired. Sounded really, really good. I needed money and sold it. I have Morrow 3 interconnects and they are so clean. I might try that due to the really nice detail. Some times you get 45%-55% off at different times of the year. Individual strands that make up a heavy ga wire. Try before you buy. If I can hear The artist breathing or taping there foot what more do I need. 
I do have a great question?
if it is better to use shorter speaker cable say two meters in an unbraided wire. Isn’t it worse to buy a braided wire due to more wire length? Disregard the point of what the braid does to cut down noise. 
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@ozzy - where did you buy the solid silver wire and the carbon sleeved jacket?