What's your "buy one of these and get it re-tipped" cartridge suggestion for a DL103 fan?

I have a microline retipped DL103 and I'm thinking of getting another cartridge. I have a 103 C1 that I may send away but I'm looking for other suggestions. Are there obtainable gems out there that I'm not aware of? 
I started with a stock 103 for $229.

I read about the various tweaks WRT aluminum/wood head-shell mods and learned what made each one work.

After some thought - I then applied a simple DIY mod of my own...

For $12.50 - it was a no brainer, but it was one of the most rewarding improvements I have made in my entire system.

I then purchased a Soundsmith Modified 103 (around $600) - with the O.C Contact Line stylus on a Ruby Cantilever. Again, I applied the Brass plate to this cartridge - it has been in my system ever since.

Since that upgrade, I have replaced my amp with a much better model and replaced all of my cables - and the 103 kept pace with those two upgrades and really show off just how good it really is !
- I have no thoughts of replacing it

I still have my original 103 with the spherical stylus - but that will get the re-tipping treatment when the existing one shows signs of wear.

My arm is an Audiomods Series III, which uses a Rega arm tube, so some additional mass on the cartridge was really needed - the brass plate proved to be perfect.

One person commented that I could have simply added some weight, but that would have dome nothing to stiffen up the case of the 103 like epoxying the brass plate did.

A lot has been said about the 103 and lots of people believe there are better options available. But after my mods i can see why so many people tweak this cartridge.

The only "gripe" I have with the Soundsmith O.C Contact Line stylus is that it requires EXTREME PRECISION to set it up properly, so you really NEED a mirrored protractor and if possible - a very young set of eyes to get it right.

For my next stylus upgrade, I might settle for a Shibata stylus, which might not be as PICKY with the setup. But taking that route - I might have to live with a little less detail - but I’m okay with that also.

I find the Denon 103 to be one of the most enjoyable and musical cartridges I have tried and re-tipping a standard 103 is - the icing on a very nice cake!

Hope that helps

Regards - Steve

Are there obtainable gems out there that I'm not aware of?

Of course there are, but you did not mention the budget. 

I’m all for 103 and 103R, Mine too was a Soundsmith. Three total
Denon 110. 103, and a 103R.

I’ve only set up the 103 on a SME 3012 II, on a TD124 I

The 103 R is going on a 3009 II, Thoren TD124 II

110 is going on a Jelco 750E, doing broadcast duty... Russco.

I just looked, it was 1130.00.. WOW 4 years ago..


I'd like to keep the cartridge and the retip under $800.

Wow, why don't you just buy unused ART-9 then ?