DAC choice advice - hard-drive based system

Putting together a system using network-attached USB hard drive (LaCie 500GB through a Linksys NSLU2), all music ripped lossless (FLAC), delivered over my 802.11g wireless net using a Squeezebox3.

In the general price range I'm considering, the Audiomirror, Perpetual Tech, Stello, and (it seems you can't *not* consider this) the Benchmark, all look interesting. I realize the Audiomirror takes a different approach as it's n/os.

I listen to a very wide variety of music.

Can you guys help me out with the pro's and con's of these options? I'm new to the DAC concept - am I missing anything I should be considering?

Also, what is the concept behind something like the Perpetual Tech P-1A? I don't really understand what it does (but have a general sense of the concept of oversampling). Is it just oversampling, similar to what's already built into the Benchmark for instance? How about the Audio Alchemy stuff, what's that do?

Thanks! Great forum, it's nice to have access to experts that don't mind speaking in language plain enough for us neophytes...
DAC-1 changes:
1) added output buffer to SE outputs
2) lowered SE output impedance
3) added pot to balance L/R gain
4) added film SMT caps for coupling
5) changed regulators to cheapo plastic ones to eliminate plastic bushings
6) changed Op-amps from Philips to TI
7) stepped attenuator
8) changed LED resistors to reduce brightness

I think this is more than one change.
>7) stepped attenuator

Is this on the front volume pot or the back screws? How much difference would this make?

A few years back, Benchmark offered a $50 update for older DAC-1's (non-upsampling ones?). I wonder if there is any update offer for newer DAC-1's.

I've listened to a few DACS in my system, both modded and unmodded:
1) Dodson 217
2) Benchmark DAC-1
3) Perpetual P-3A and P-1A
4) dAck! version 1 and 2
5) Bel Canto DAC2
6) Electrocompaniet ECD-1
7) Birdland Odeon-lite
8) Van Alstine
9) MSB Gold
10) AudioNote DAC4.1X
11) EAD DSP 7000
12) Meridian 566

The Benchmark is the best sounding of these either stock or modded. Dont waste your time. Just buy a new one.
Audioengr wrote, referring to a list of DAC's he'd auditioned: "The Benchmark is the best sounding of these either stock or modded."

That is ONE opinion, of course.
Thanks guys.

At the moment I'm seriously considering the Benchmark, Audio Mirror, and Stello. They all seem to have good things said about them and the price range, used on the Benchmark and Stello and new on the Audio Mirror, are all in the general ballpark.

It's really hard to ignore the consistent profound praise the Benchmark gets, but I would have to wait until a used one comes up at a good price.