Move From AVR to Integrated?

I know this topic gets thrown around a lot, but I recently bought a pair of Ascend Acoustic Sierra 1s I love and a Hsu VTF2 MK5 subwoofer. Right now, I'm using a Denon AVR-X2600H to power them. 

I hear a lot of chatter that I'm not getting the most out of my speakers using the AVR. The drawback is my room is not treated, and I like having the bass management. 

It seems difficult to find an integrated with 100wpc+, ability to stream things like Tidal, that also has ability to at least EQ the low bass, and have the ability to connect to digital sources like a PS4/5. I do like the idea of a better built power source, and I will never go past 2.1 or 2.2. Most of what I do is music and TV. 

Any suggestions? Ideally I'd like to stay under 1200. 

@bkeske I am attracted to the integrated route. I am just trying to be realistic about having a shared living room/listening area and placement/treatment has its limitations. If it was a separate space I’d certainly go that route. I’m looking more into the Parasound. Looks like it has on board DAC but you use a separate one? Which streamer do you use? I don’t know how everything fits together. Really, I have 1 TV with 1 or 2 video sources, a turntable, 2 speakers, and a sub. If all of it can connect, I’m certainly willing to simplify from needless AVR stuff.

I’m not using an integrated, but did buy a Parasound preamp without a DAC. Thus, I have a separate DAC. Right now a Denafrips Ares II, before that a PS Audio DAC. IMO, I like the idea of a separate DAC as the technology shifts and advances. That said, I would assume the DAC inside the 200 would be pretty darn good, so not a necessity to purchase separate.

As far as a steamer, a very simply steamer box from Dayton Audio that connects into my DAC, then to my preamp. I can connect to the steamer via my iPad or iPhone as it is wireless, and use my Tidal app within the iPad or phone. I do not stream a lot, so have not invested into a more comprehensive streaming device. Thinking about it, but just not that important to me. Most all my music is via vinyl, CD, or cassette. My CD player also runs through my DAC instead of using its internal DAC. Thus, my CD/BluRay player is basically a transport. If I want to watch a DVD I have, which is rare, I can still do that with its HDMI connection to my AVR.

The nice thing about that Parasound New200 is the ability to manage your sub at the amp. Similar to how you do your with your AVR internally with its software.


Thanks for the level headed response. It does seem like there's going to be trade offs no matter which way I go and particularly at my price point. Maybe I'll save the money I may have spent on an external amp if that doesn't seem like a worthwhile investment. I assumed more/separate power would be less taxing on a dedicated unit, but sounds like that may not result in any audible benefits. 

For the foreseeable future I'm in a setting where I kind of need the system to do everything for me in a limited environment. Anyways, I'm learning as I go. Just hoping to be saving for the right things and not wasting investments. Thank you. 
Nice speakers. If I were you I’d buy a NuPrime IDA-8 integrated from Audio Advisor. It’s $1095, and they offer a 30-day return policy so you can see if it makes nice improvements over your AVR, which it certainly should (read the reviews). It has a nice DAC and also a subwoofer out for your Hsu. I think you should be able to do without the bass management by playing with speaker placement (pull them out from the wall as far as you can) and adjusting your sub settings. Buy a used Bluesound Node 2i for streaming and you should be good to go. That’s what I’d do FWIW, and best of luck.

Thanks for the recommendation. Looks like a cool integrated amp. I hadn't really thought about it, but I suppose when it comes to Playstation I could connect hdmi from Playstation to TV, then coaxial from TV back to integrated amp. 

On another note, I'm looking at individual separate components online. Wondering if that might be an option. I'm sure I could find a second hand preamp, DAC, streamer, power amp, and could even use a mini DSP if I wanted to use Dirac. 
Those Sierras are great speakers, I had 2 pairs of them. 85 sensitivity is also fine, there is more than one way to get to musical bliss. At one point I had 250 wpc on them and they were fine, but I didn’t go crazy on the volume, :)

I’d recommend an internet direct company for an integrated, more bang for buck just like the Sierra. Outlaw Audio sells one for 1K or so. 110 wpc, has a dac and a phono section, and it’s entry level audiophile. Check out the Stereophile review. It is worlds better than an avr.  Actually it has a tuner section as well, but just read the review.

The Sierras are an easy load, btw. A benign phase angle and a pretty steady 8 ohms, so you don’t have to worry about expensive speaker cables.