Best Speakers You Have Ever Heard In Your Home

There is a post the question " The best speaker you have heard?" I wonder how many of you have owned that elusive " best speaker I have ever heard.
I think you're going to find that for most people, it will be their current pair as people typically move forward, not backwards with their gear.  I've been running a pair of Linkwitz Orions for about 13 years now and am still in love with them.

Like many, there are other loudspeakers I lust after, but then I play my current rig and the urge just goes away, they sound so good.  

The Orions are a very good loudspeaker.  Were you to find version 4 or 5 for sale somewhere, you'd think you'd died and gone to audio heaven.  The Linkwitz LX521 will give you the same level of experience.

I've always liked the big floor standing loudspeakers from Avalon Acoustics, but they are not cheap, even used.  But then I listen to my Orions and all that is forgotten.