A deeper more holographic soundstage.

I was wondering by what means you have created a deeper soundstage. I am satisfied with the width but I really feel it is a bit 2 dimensional. It doesn't go back far enough. I like more layers of sound that reach towards you from the blackness.
As I've already spent quite a bit on my system I am unable to buy much more expensive components.
Did you upgrade one component that made the difference? Placement of speakers? New footers or tweaks such as Stillpoints?
Two subs instead of one(I have one)? Different placement of subs? I am working with a very tight space so it is difficult to move things without them being in the center of the room.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Do you think you are looking for a "realistic" depth of sound-stage or an enhanced one to suit your personal preference?

My Maggie’s do I nice job of providing depth to the soundstage as I’m sure other dipole and open baffle speakers do as well.  As others have mentioned, getting speakers away from the wall, room treatments, and the quality of the recording all contribute.
Interesting Thread and Read op. Thanks for Posting. For me, this has never been an issue since I listen to Dipoles in a mid sized room with plenty of space behind and between the Magnepans. Soundstage Depth, Height and Width in spades. The Tubes in my Preamp do seem to make a slight difference so that "piece of equipment" is simply experimenting with Tubes. I found the Melz1578 & KenRad VT231 to do the job nicely.
I found this video from Dynaudio on speaker placement helpful.  As much as you would think it intuitive, this helped me a lot.  I know it is basic but, to me, it helps to have technical objective explanation of what is going on which this video does a decent job of.  


I have a second system in a small 11x10.5, almost square, room.  This video helped me place speakers and listening position properly and made a huge difference in getting the core setup aligned.  

Good Luck.
Several positive comments about Schumann generators, which I have not tried, so I'm intrigued. What should I look for when selecting one? Likely buying from Ali Express.

FWIW, completely concur with the importance of room treatment, learning, measuring, listening. I've done that and wouldn't do without if doing it all over again.