Class D

Been thinking of trying a D amp to reduce clutter. Most that I see are not rated at 2 ohms.  My PSB Stratus gold's will drop to 3 ohms or lower at some frequencies. So my question is will these types of amps handle this impedance ?
Thanks in advance. Chris
zappas OP

Just use your "common sense" when asking why? when ever Class-D is bench tested, why it is they never give the 2ohm wattage, or advertised and compared to the 8 or 4ohm wattage
And sometimes even stated that they try 2ohms but the amp switches off, before they could turn up the test signal level, to get some current flowing into the 2ohm load.

We heard an A/B of what the sound was like into Wilson Alexia with 0.9ohm EPDR bass loading, the 150w-8ohm Gryphon Antillion’s bass sounded absolutely magnificent, but with my 2 x more higher wattage 300w-8ohm Belcanto Ref 600Mono clones (NC500) with linear power supplies, were not anywhere near in the same league. And that can only be due to current delivery into the low impedance.

Cheers George
zappas OP

Ask yourself why all the Ncore data sheets have the 2 ohm power ratings in the data sheet right near the top. Some people never move forward and have to bring up a one time comparison of a $40,000 dollar amplifier against $10,000 amplifier that no one can verify.  Well not really $10K. They were clones of the Bel Canto, so unknown pedigree, and unknown performance. Now we are talking $40,000 something that has likely never seen a measurement that confirmed performance.

One day George will discover that EPDR is not the same as current delivery. That day is not today.
I think I may understand Equivalent Peak Dissipation Resistance which I had never heard until recently in one of the class d amplifier threads. Audio2design and Jaytor have nicely explained that.  It is very informative and interesting. Thanks
Like I said  zappas OP don't trust anything the manufacturers or shillers say, independent test figures are much closer to the truth, they tell the real story.

Cheers George 
One D amp that won't "reduce clutter", as OP says, but can easily handle a 1-ohm Apogee Scintilla is the H2O Audio S250 Signature.
Uses older Ice modules, 250W/8-ohm, doubling down, a really healthy power supply, dual mono in one chassis with two toroids, 70-lbs.'s also rare on the used market so don't hold your breath. 
I'm sure there's some special circuitry somewhere but it's pretty basic otherwise. It's all in the design and execution. Point is, class D can properly drive 1-ohm, not just be stable there, if so designed. I don't know why more manufacturers don't make the effort.