Need a preamp, new or used.

Hello, I'm new here and a newbie. Current system consists of Golden Ear Triton Reference, Martin Logan Motion 60, 2 SVS SB 3000 subs. 2 Parasound A21+ for the speakers. Node 2i for streaming. Have been using a Parasound P5, however it is now kaput. Looking for a better sounding pre that will not diminish bass impact. Preferably controllable like the P5. I only stream from Tidal and Amazon. Don't need a phono stage or a whole lot of connections. I don't listen real loud, about 70-85 decibels. Mostly Dire Straits, Pink Floyd, U2. Mellow rock. Budget is around 5-7k. Room is 22ftx14x8, carpet, wall and ceiling treatment. No issues in the room. All Audio Quest cables and power cords. Mogami gold for balanced interconnects. The GE's are bright enough, don't want them any brighter. Thanks for listening. 
i’m afraid that tamping down the highs will make things quite boring. one of the points of really good audio is to hear it all wout fatigue. good equipment does this.
I don't know why you say tyour Triton Refs are bright as they are anything but.  I also had them paired with a Rogue RP5 preamp, and Audible Illusions Modulus 3B preamp, a Conrad Johnson MF2550 amp and an Odyssey Stratos Extreme amp.  None of them gave me a bright sound.  I would play around with room acoustics first before spending more on electronics.  You should not have any problems with bass response.  Adjust the control on the back of the speaker.  I have mine set at 10  O  clock and the bass is very deep, defined and not boomy.
My biggest problem is my wife has sensitive hearing. High notes hurt her ears. 
Divorce can fix that.  Expensive tweek for sure but well worth it in the long run. 

Another recommendation for tubes. With your budget, you have a lot of good choices....