I have been a crappy musician most of my life. I was looking for the sound of the live music I liked to play and see live. I have always had a revolving system (or evolving) and I have a lot of amps from a dynakit st 70 to adcom 555 (3 of them) whatever.
I was super lucky to come across a set of Von Schweikert VR4 speakers last year. For my ear they are the best of anything I have heard or could hope for. Right now they are powered with 2 adcom 555, thru a parasound P5 pre. I am so happy with the set up I am goofy happy when I get to enjoy some music. I have 52 pearl Jam shows on cd I am just starting to go thru. Some stuff is better on cd (live bootlegs) and some better on vinyl. I just got a new copy of exile on main st. Shows off the sound stage.
I am just a lurker here, but I didnt think anyone would mention Von Schweikert speakers, and I am a drummer, so I like it loud.