Magico V2 vs. Q1

I currently own a V2 - is it worth upgrading to Q1?
Hi Mariv26,

I think you have missed my point, which was I wasn't happy with the Q1 review, either in terms of MC's listening environment or some of the measurements made. I was being a bit sarcastic about the Magico / Raidho comparison. Clearly the larger driver on the Q1 should go lower in bass - but that was not MC's "in room" finding was it?

According to the "Lab Report" in Vol 5/No 2 the old Raidho C-1.0 (the 1.1 BTW goes lower) had in room “extension to 29Hz at moderate power”. MC cites 30Hz for the Q1 which looks odd given the bigger bass driver and the fact that Magico rate the Q1 at 32Hz -3dB (presumably measured anechoically). My point if you carefully re-read my earlier comment is the room is influencing the observations made and a quick look at the waterfall display shows some of the issues. I am not surprised that the HiFi critic review is not posted on Magico’s site. The measured results are quite far from the manufacturers specification.
why not go to an electrostic, like the martin logan summit. Electrostic resolution (still superior to any cone and dome speaker), no crossover till your down to the 300 hz region, and adjustable bass controls for room tuning with extension to the mid 20's - all for only 15k - now that's a real upgrade.
Thank you, Stereotaipei.

I live in Hong Kong and I dont think S1 has arrived... I thought about it too given my room is small, so maybe I will wait and give it a listen.

Your room and system looks mightily impressive!!!!