Audio Mirror vs Prima Luna tube DAC

Hi there,
Wondering if anyone out there has had the opportunity to A/B the Audio Mirror Tubadour III SE and the Prima Luna Evo 100 tube DACs.  I am looking to get as close to vinyl as possible while either streaming (Qobuz) or playing CD files from an Aurender N100H....nuts I know.

Currently using my Moon/SimAudio 260D CD player as DAC with Curios Evolved USB as interconnect from the Aurender.

Are there other tube DAC (or solid state) options I should consider at about the same price point?

Thanks all.
Thanks again all. A very knowledgeable friend has recommended the Schiit Yggdrasil as a SS alternative at about the same price point as the AM.  Any experiences with this DAC or comparisons?
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A very knowledgeable friend has recommended the Schiit Yggdrasil as a SS alternative at about the same price point as the AM.
I wouldn’t include the Yggy given what you’re looking for as it’s neither tubed nor NOS that I think will both help in getting you “closer to vinyl.”  Plus, as good as it is, reviews don’t indicate it produces the type of sound you’re looking for.  For that reason I’d skew toward AM, MHDT, Audio GD, and the like.  FWIW, and best of luck in your search. 

Thanks again.  After doing a bit more reading I agree and am circling around the AM.  However, (and does this happen to everyone just when they think they've made a decision?) I have been reading about the Denafrips Pontus which, while not tube, does offer both OS and NOS options and has received some very good and recent reviews.  I may order both and audition, depending on return and restocking fees.  Thanks.