Anyone Tried Unmatched Power Tubes?

I have read up on matching of tubes but not sure if it makes a significant audible difference as long as the tubes are within spec. 

Also, I would assume that, in a four power tube amp, only pairs of tubes needs to be matched. 

I could save some money if I don't need to match power tubes or only need to match pairs of power tubes.

I would like to hear from those of you who have have experience with this.

Always follow what manufacturer claims. If you want them to last longer get them matched.
Depends from the design if they have to be matched in pairs, quartet or, whatever. When i had an amp with 8 output tubes i always got them quartet matched. Signal tubes should be matched in pairs also. 

Thank you for your input.  

I have an amp that has four KT88 tubes.  Am I correct in thinking that the two on the left are one channel and the two on the right are the other channel?

The four tubes were matched when installed but now two of them are acting up and I want to replace them. Do I replace one in each channel?  Either both inside tubes or both outside tubes?

You are correct each pair for a channel.
I would replace all four in matched pairs.
Keep the good ones as spares. Why two are arcing?
I do not know if it is a push pull design, if it is, no matter inside or outside as long as they are matched per channel. A good vendor can match tubes with min extra charge.