As per my post above - I now have the Neotech UP-OCC as the live/signal wires across my entire system - that is except for my power distribution center. The live wires in it was 4 stands of 18 Mudorf Solid silver/gold in cotton sleeve, approximately 10" long
I changed the silver wire to 12 gauge Neotech UP-OCC copper on Monday.
The sound was basically OK, but if I moved slightly off center the image went horribly wrong and sounded like it was bouncing off side walls.
Since I had observed this anomaly during the burn-in process with another pair of interconnects, I let the burn-in continue.
So this evening I listened to my system and the anomaly had corrected itself nicely, as expected, but the system now has a significantly larger image and the bass goes even deeper. The balance front to back is very nice and very detailed and artist placement is very precise. These improvements were easily heard because it now appears that the listner is even more immersed in the image, so it was not something that I really had to listen intently for.
My surprise was due to the fact the amount of wire replaced in this exercise was a mere 10", i.e. out of a power "corridor" that is some 20 ft long in total. And it was a very good quality wire, not just a piece of extension cord from Home Depot
The other thing that changed was the connection to the Outlets on the back of the power distribution center. It was previously just bare wire into the clamp on the outlet. But this time I soldered small spade connectors to the UP_OCC copper
This just goes to show - even the smallest changes can yield some very gratifying results.
So, was it the wire, or the spades?
I’ve promoted the use of spades on my power corridor for a long time.
For me, this confirms that using them can be very beneficial
The spades are nothing special, just spade connectors from my local Car Parts or hardware store - $20 for 65 pieces
The quest continues - even though I told my wife - "That’s it" :-)
Regards - Steve