Holo Audio May DAC

Just read a very nice review of this in Stereophile this month and after doing some research it looks like this one could be a very nice option for me.  
It's made in China I think (or could be Taiwan?, and yes, I am very well aware that these are two very different countries. ;)), and employs a direct to consumer model to keep the price as low as possible.  This does not worry me after purchasing a Jay's Audio transport from Vinshine Audio and having zero issues.  

Just curious if anyone here has heard one or purchased?  I'm very intrigued.  I know the Denafrips Terminator is another highly regarded DAC with a similar ordering model, but costs a couple grand more than this one.  Considering that one as well.

FYI, I just put the May up for sale.  A great dac and worth an audition.  
Do people who own the May keep it on 24x7?  I tend to turn it on for a session, and then turn it off overnight, turning it on again in the morning. Wondering if leaving it on would shorten its lifespan etc...
@pgalvin I do not leave mine on 24/7.  It runs pretty hot and whether it actually does or not, my perception is that it will shorten its lifespan if it's constantly left on. I also imagine that it's using a fair amount of energy being on, though I do not know the number of watts it consumes.  
I don't notice it needs to be warmed up much to sound good (maybe one hour) so I just turn it on an hour before I start listening.  
I believe the front panel power switch is actually a standby and keeps some of the internals running to minimize warm up time. I know that was true of the spring at least (https://community.roonlabs.com/t/holo-audio-spring-r2r-dac-does-dsd512/18516/5).

Could help explain why people don't notice much difference...
Thanks, will continuing to set it to standby when I won't be listening for a while.