Stereo Times list of the " 2020 MOST WANTED COMPONENTS"

Stereo Times ( has just posted its annual list of the MOST WANTED gear for 2020. I believe that you GON members would find it an interesting and informative read.
Nice to see the King Sound Queen V Hybrid in the list. I reviewed the King Sound King, and afterward the King III, for I own the King III following review. King Sound has an uncanny knack for getting it right with ESL. So, I'm not surprised that a King Sound speaker made the list.   :) 
I WANT a pair of the Townsend speaker support stands and have them on my wish list for 2021. The Koetsu is too heavy for my tone arm, but sure is pretty. The rest I don't want.
@akg_ca  that's the point, it's their most wanted & it's not all "uber expensive ".
What are you bitter about? It's just an article on some of the gear that they've what? Do you just want to have a dig at people who can afford ultra high end equipment? Or do you just like moaning? The people in the article love music & hi fi just like you.
We're not all the same but isn't it nice to be amongst others who have the same passions...?
I have some real interest in the SPL stuff.  I find Teajay likes a lot of the same things I do in equipment.  Had a nice conversation last week about it in fact.  I also appreciate that Stereo Times looks for some items off the beaten path.