The rock strata show clearly, irrefutably, what appears to be sudden emergence of life, in a span that is so minuscule that it is a major problem to secularist scientists who hold to the prevailing theory; it's called the Cambrian Explosion, which literally is a leap from one strata to the next from forms such as single celled organisms and invertebrates to fully formed vertebrates of most classes. They have been desperate for well over 100 years to find a mechanism to fit this discontinuity of fossils into their theory.
Ridiculous attempts to manipulate the theory have been tried, including Punctuated Equilibrium. Most sensible people realize that this is nothing more than soft science, attempts to manipulate rather than accept the evidence presented in the rocks. The Cambrian Explosion fits perfectly with the other Flood evidence. But, we can't have that - and the implications of it - can we? No, we have to have fairy tale solutions to do anything but abandon a weak theory, with it's implications.
You see, the rocks and fossils do NOT show the classic branching tree form that supposedly happened. What to do? Try to revise the theory without abandoning it due to the hard evidence. Try to make it fit the fossils using ridiculous mechanisms that are not supported, such as pretending that morphological development happens until a species is found in the rocks, then magically no more morphological development! This is why they talk about "living fossils", because it's obvious that creatures now represented in the fossil record have never changed. OOOPS! Another problem to solve with weak mechanisms!
They have to keep trying convenient workarounds, even though they are unwarranted. They will absolutely not admit that the rock strata and fossils fit FAR better sudden emergence of life, and/or Flood. Gotta find any other workaround than to accept that. It's the same kind of mentality that gave us "Directed Panspermia" after decades of pushing the idea that life emerged on Earth, only to find the chemical nature of the rocks don't support it. OOOOPS! Now, they have to use a desperate gimmick to save the theory again. The pattern becomes quite recognizable over time; very weak evidence, but absolute adherence to a secularist agenda and so the theory will never be abandoned, regardless how much data the rocks and fossils show. That's called secularist religion, adherence to a particular form of fantasy.
Dr. Clarey says several times in the book that the rocks don't lie. Indeed, they don't. Appeals here to articles with admittedly controversial viewpoints on what are frankly, irrelevant discoveries that won't change overall the problem of the Cambrian Explosion, are very weak. Notice how none of my detractors have actually presented contradictory evidence pertinent to the book's argument. That's because they are not knowledgable enough to do so. Rather, they make general appeals and insults. Weak, really weak.
The community can see for themselves how I responded to the typical malignment of religion, but now we have the unwarranted insertion of politics again, likely in a bid to force moderators to eliminate the thread. Because we can't have solid, scientific evidence that refutes the populist theory. People of sound mind can clearly see what's going on here.