I started with a high back Steelcase Gesture chair $1,200. Amazing armrests, and comfy.But then I was in Office Depot one day and tried a few. When I sat in the Serta Smartlayers office chair...Wow. Bought it for less than $300.I'm 5'7"tall. It's a bit tall for us short guys, so one day I stuck a block offoam I have from tearing down an old mattress. It's big, maybe 12" thick, by 15X20". Like a footstool, but WAY better. Greatest mistake I ever made. With your knees bent, and stocking feet on the edge, you canbounce your feet to the music. It's amazing.Then to prove just how weird I am I sat and considered..."Hmm how can I make this even more comfortable. I realized that subconsciously I was holding my knees together with muscles, instead of relaxing. So I found a flexible strap (like a big wide rubber band made of fabric), put it around my knees. Bingo! Then I removed the armrests, put a down pillow on mylap (which also holds the remotes), and I gotta say, everyone laughed at
me at first, until they sat in it. Give it a try, and too you will realized how total body relaxation can improve the listening experience.