The 1200AS 2 is still the current Class-D module from ICEPower, what have you been sniffing.Nothing but air. However if you are suggesting that this amplifier is representative of all class D amps you would be committing an excellent example of the logical fallacy known as Guilt By Association, and it works like this: 'Because this particular amplifier has significant phase shift at 20KHz and is class D, therefore all class D amps have significant phase shift at 20KHz.' Because its a logical fallacy, this idea is false.
Obviously ICEPower has chosen a different set of parameters for what they feel is important, which with a short look at their website, appears to be public address. At any rate there are class D amplifiers that have less than 1 degree of phase shift at 20KHz.
OK George- that one is debunked. Please proceed to the next.