Best tube preamplifier for under $15k

Let’s hear it guys, what’s your favorite. 
Deja Vu is a great choice.  I also have a one of their custom preamps with a great mc phono section.  It's the heart and soul of my system.
@phantom_av which tubes are you using on your mp-1, NOS? Chinese new production boutique tubes?
I purchased the Pass XP12 for a trial run after reading glowing reviews and hearing from a friend who owns one.  I was sent a new one, with no run in time..  The first few days it was horrible and I almost gave up on it.. then it opened up and even my prejudices and bias took notice of just how good this line stage can be.
I was pretty happy with the Freya+ until I optimized my room for audio. then I realized what was missing.. what was there was pretty good, especially for the money. Now I hear what was missing and how pin point accuracy adds to the experience. I still have the Freya and some very nice tubes, also my Django passive  w S&B trannies which is now my second favorite.. and the XP12 is getting better with time.. Longest break in ever for me..  impressive piece.. way past trial time too.. 

it is a bit ironic... break in of new gear is very real

whereas you buy a good used piece there is minimal break in needed usually

anyhow, glad you are enjoying the pass

for established stalwarts in this field like pass, arc, cj, ... one thing all must understand is that these companies have not been stealing deaf people's money for all these years  :)
@jjss49 ,  Thanks for the kind words.. Still enjoying the XP12 even more as it’s fully opened up and more relaxed after one month.. 
Being tubed for many decades, This is a new experience for me..
The sound doesn’t ever expose the topology being used.. It’s just music.. very pleased..  for now.. lol.