next step with magnepan mmgs?

hi, i am using mmgs that i have braced and damped the mdf using the "razor" mod. this is a budget system with all emotiva electronics and mac/pure music /v-dac as my source. i recently put togeather some morrow audio sp-6 speaker wires to go with my ma-2 ics. the sp-6 addition [compared to sp-2] is one of the most amazing changes in a system i have experienced in 4 decades of building systems. you have to trust me on this...haha. is it time to change the xover? i have room treatment, good ac treatment and ac cords. if anyone has done this and achieved great result please tell me how to go. thanks. i would to keep it simple and affordeable. like 200 or less. i have read about the skiing ninja but just too expensive right now....thanks john
pcking. i agree with your comments. i bypassed the fuse and i,m going to just remove the plate and put better connectors inline. your comment about the caps is what i,m looking for. i wondered if upgrading the components in the x/over would make a difference. i guess it is time to research using 2 amps and an electronic x/over. but this is a rather expensive way to go. i,m trying to keep things sane with my origonal goal of building a modest but impressive system.
with crossover parts, be careful.
With panels, some go for the honkin' biggest aircore inductor money can buy in 12 or sometimes 14ga. This lowers DCR and the balance of HF / LF in the panel.
You can always torture yourself and wind your own inductors to a higher standard. Make the coil the same number of winds as turns and calculate a coil for no more than 10% DCR change from stock.

Caps are not just caps. Microphonic to some degree, this can be made worse using some of the really HUGE jumbo film caps. Inductance and Series Resistance also come into play.

I don't see how you could go wrong by simpifying the wiring by removing the fuse and some 'extra' wiring and connections.