Class D

Been thinking of trying a D amp to reduce clutter. Most that I see are not rated at 2 ohms.  My PSB Stratus gold's will drop to 3 ohms or lower at some frequencies. So my question is will these types of amps handle this impedance ?
Thanks in advance. Chris
I like my class D NAD M27 amp. It sounds amazing and is dead black quiet. Highs, mids, bass is all steller. It is solid trouble free, built very well and runs cool. Not looking back. I tried D-Sonic as well. It sounded amazing but I had an issue with one channel and it was solid, well built to.

I will stick to class D and don't see any issues.

I also have a vintage Sansui AU11000a in my stereo setup which I bought new in 1977 which sounds sweet and warmer but I like both. Sansui runs quite warm.
This isn't a thread on what class D you like. What's the NAD's 2-ohm rating? doesn't appear to be published.
Look, right now there are two H2O Audio S250 Signature amps for sale on US Audiomart. These are real 2-ohm amps that handle Scintillas easily. Plus, they're under $2K. Enough said.
I don’t see anything.
That GHz comment really makes me suspect his depth of knowledge on the topic is really quite weak.
True, "you see nothing."
Please, and to state his knowledge is weak, is seriously laughable coming from you.

You have proven repeatedly you don’t have anywhere near the knowledge to make a comment on someone’s credentials. Your continued lack of understand of even the most basic aspects of amplifier operation, class-D operation, and even basic electricity make your comments on this topic meaningless.

However, someone with a basic knowledge of signal processing, the math of signal processing, noise sources in a switching amplifier, or the basic math defining their performance, or say the related math of DACs would know that a comment about needing switching in the GHz range is really quite laughable. That tells me he really does not know what he is talking about and is just making an off the cuff comment or parroting someone similarly unqualified to make a comment.

It is not healthy to put on a pedestal people who simply reinforce your biases without ascertaining if they truly have relevant knowledge in the topic of discussion. You don’t have any reason to place high value in Cyrill Hammer’s knowledge w.r.t. Class-D. Based on the public information, which we can assume we both have equal access to, I don’t perceive anything in his experience set that would make me place high value in his opinion on this matter, unlike say Bruno Putzey who has shown repeatedly, both a high understanding, and an ability to move the technology forward.
needing switching in the GHz range is really quite laughable.

There you go again, he said
"that provide switching frequencies of several MHz or even GHz."
"Even" is the word there sunshine, looking towards the future would be even better to have ghz when technology allows, to get rid of every little trace of switching noise, without any phase shift anywhere near the audio band. Stop being such a putz.