Speaker Thoughts - YG Acoustics Hailey 2.2 vs Magico S5 MK II

I own Magico S5 MK II Speakers and love them but curious what the YG folks think? I have never heard the YG Speakers and am curious what folks think. I have heard good things about YG. A little better dynamics and bass but would love some others feedback. 




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I know, but keithr agreed with you, so I can't say I follow his reasoning
That Focal tweeter is bright and raw. It throws haymakers. I love it. Although, I did not love it with my Soulution 530 or my Pass Labs 160.8’s. It just needs a bit of a chill pill. 
That chill pill came in the form of a Ypsilon Phaethon with it’s hybrid tube-transistor linestage that rocks a pair of 6H30 operating in single-ended Class A for both the input stage and the driver stage. Its output is “bridged, single-ended” also biased in Class A. It’s a different way to do it. So they make the amp a push pull amp to drive tougher speakers but it’s very different. Rather then just making a push pull amp the make separate single ended amps and run them in opposites bridged to come up with their own version of push pull. A single ended amp with real balls.  Needless to say it is a very elegant, purist approach. It’s not just super super transparent with its powerful mosfets it’s also buttery tube singled ended smooth. Both these attributes dial the beryllium tweeter right into its wheel house. That bright, raw inverted metal dome tweeter is now silky smooth and combo with its extension and decays are just killer. Audio really is about partnering the gear just right. I think the Magico’s would partner well with most. They were great with the Soulution and the Pass Labs. They were great with the Ypsilon too but the Focal and Ypsilon that there has a ceiling that seems to still be climbing. 
Sure - makes sense. I am not nearly as familiar with YG. They seems pretty awesome though. 
MAGICO is more musical,better bass detail and dynamics cleaner midrange and better highs.These speaker sound even better with tube preamp(VAC) or tube phono stage which i have TW ACUTIC RPS 100 one of the best.