speaker cable recommendations for Joseph audio perspectives2

I have a pair of Joseph Audio Perspectives2 floor standing speakers. I have yet to pick a pair of 8ft speaker cables for it. My budget is around 2k usd, 3k usd max for a used pair. My amp is wells audio innamorata signature. The rest of my set up can be found in my signature.

I cannot use speaker cables that have boxes (like Transparent, MIT, etc) due to space constraint. Now I am using a cheap pair of blue jeans 10 speaker cables. I have not tried many speaker cables before, so when I borrow my friend's taralabs 0.8 speaker cables the other day, I was blown away how it improves my system's overall performance. So I decided that I need a speaker cable upgrade.  Thanks for any suggestions.

Nice speakers and amp!  Joseph Audio has a long-standing relationship with Cardas and uses their wire internally in their speakers, so they’d obviously be worth exploring (although I’ve not heard them myself except at JA show demos).

That said, I’m a huge JA fan and believe Acoustic Zen cables offer strengths that would synergize very well with your speakers.  You could get a double-barrel shotgun pair of AZ cables new for $2,248 that’d likely sound fantastic with your Perspectives.  I’ve been using them for years, and they excel at sounding very neutral and natural with very good tonality and excellent 3D soundstage.  Hope this helps, and best of luck in your search. 
A friend of mine, after trying a number of different brands in your price range, ended up using Duelund DCA 16GA wire, unterminated for his JA Perspective2 speakers (around $7/meter).
I highly recommend Silversmith Audio Fidelium. I am using on a Pass Labs INT-250 amp and GoldenEar Triton Reference Speakers. https://silversmithaudio.com/fidelium-cables/