No because it's only to get the low order output filtering on the speaker output up high also, so then you can get rid of "all switching noise" without effecting the phase integrity down into the audio band.This has been explained ad nauseum; this statement is rubbish.
All I can say Ralph after all your put many downs on anything mentioned threatening the release your upcoming Class-D. And all the technical praise you give it.
1: Better be a real good one
2: Designed by you.
3: Have no after market "tweaked" BS modules like, ricevs, pascal, Rowland, red dragon etc etc etc, it may exposed for doing it.
4: Be reasonably priced
OK- we got 2 and 3. Working out the math for the oscillation criteria was a real female dog.... How 'good' it is- we'll leave that to others. We are planning about $5,000 for a pair of 100 watt monoblocks. That's beta production; the actual power might be increased by the time we see production.