Why do people care what their speaker wants?

Or amp. Or DAC, pre-amp, or whatever. Fill in the blank. Why does anyone care? Are speakers so haughty they get all moody and pouty if you don't give them what they want? I thought the whole point was to have a system that sounds the way we want it to sound? So why all the people asking what goes with what? What do they care? Why?
Popcorn anyone? I truly believe most people have zero idea what they want to hear. They think if they put x-a-d and p together it should equal amazing, and then don’t understand why it doesn’t, or they get lucky. This is a weird hobby, almost too many variables at any price point. To find the right blend takes time.. I think most just want it now... in some ways this isn’t a good hobby for the those of us that like to fiddle with stuff. But at the same time, fiddling is what makes the magic happen. Tough one for sure.
Unfortunately, in most cases they do not provide enough information.  Further, you get answers all across the board.  Then it becomes information overload adding more confusion.

My favorite is when someone asks for the best amp for $1k that will provide great power and sound.  Well, let's see....just go to best buy and buy whatever is on the shelf as it does not matter at that price point.  
Millercarbon, perhaps its only because many audiophiles with way less experience than you either do not realise, or do, that there are so many different ways for speakers to sound, and no single speaker or system will be able to playback every kind of song in the most 'accurate' way, or the way the sound engineers and/or artistes want them heard.

This hobby is the strangest balance between what each of us wants to hear, and our need to know if there is a deeper truth of what could be heard.

So, the best way to know more is on a forum such as this, where there are audiophiles experienced in the specifics of a certain speaker perhaps, that has its particular signature familiar to them, that they can advise plays what kinds of music best and which would require what kinds of complementary equipment to do so most ably.

Do be patient with those who do not know how to ask questions to have them best answered - it is why forums like this exist, no? : )

In friendship - kevin