Office streaming solution?

Currently, in my office, I’m using my iphone to stream via a 8 year old Apple Airport connected, to a DAC, and then to an amp. While this setup has worked reasonably well, the Airport is old and no longer working seamlessly with the latest phone software. E.g. my phone has trouble finding the airport on the network, and it requires multiple restarts of Airport and phone to get them to work together.

I’m looking for a more stable and decent sounding solution.

- Use Audioengine’s B1 Bluetooth to input to my amp
- Bluesound node
- Other ideas???

Thanks for your suggestions.
+1 for the Bluesound Node.
Have had Bluesound kit as part of my desktop setup for a number of years. Originally paired with Audioengine A2 powered speakers. Now paired with KEF LSX active speakers. Use tape monitor switch to switch between PC and Node 2i. You can check out my desktop setup here:

OK, so you stream a bit of everything, including iTunes. Well, I don't believe BlueSound Node 2i supports iTunes/Apple Music. If that is important, you may need to go a different route.

I use an Auris bluMe HD bluetooth receiver in my man cave system. It is a fantastic bluetooth receiver. Check it out directly from the manufacturer's website. It's $119, but they offer 10% if you supply your e-mail address. I love it and use it nearly every day.

Yes, I know I could get somewhat better sound quality with a dedicated streamer and a streaming service that offers high res. But the Auris works great and I can stream anything that I can stream from my iPhone or laptop. Easy, Peasy.
Just an fyi that Bluesound kit does support input via Bluetooth, and Node 2i supports 2 way Bluetooth.