Must be soon, you really have gone into full product protection mode, and there’s no stopping you.
Good luck is all I can say, for your new Class-D venture.
And Class-D technology has not progressed as much as you want all to here to think (for sales), sure the GaN transistors that I first showed here years ago as a far better alternative for Class-D, you were quite negative about back then, and now you say you use them. How ironic.
I first showed the GaN power transistors from EPC ( inventors of the Mosfet, to all here many years ago, and yes they have improved things a little, but the only one to use them fully and make a dent in Class-D’s Achilles Heel "switching frequency/switching noise/phase shift" has been Technics with the SE-R1 and hopefully the new SU-R1000 integrated has the same genes.