Anyone buys master tape dubs ?

They are $300-$600 from reliable sources. Are they worth it ? Not that I am thinking of it at present..
johnss, you are right, you are right. I hear the same from people playing tapes on their Studers and Otaris. 

I have about 200 or more tapes. Some bought here
John said the truth, it is very difficult to hear vinyl after it :-)

Because tape is the only true audiophile medium. Fremer says that his Continuum turntable comes very close to tape. In other words, he says that nothing sounds quite like tape, even the very best vinyl set-up.
No chance. There is so much information on tape, espacially in the top end. The different instruments are so extremely separated. If the recording on tape has a good quality, it is an other world.
But i have to say. If you digitize it with a very good ad-converter, you will hear less to no different. Hard to say. I cannot explain this for me. I think tape has it´s own sound.
I have about 100 albums on 15IPS tape - mostly original production/distribution masters from CBS & Jugoton plus a few from Tape Project.
I archive them onto new RTM tape stock (either SM900 or LPR90) with Dolby SR, as well as a digital archive using a Prism Sound Lyra 2 A2D interface. The digital copy owing the Lyra 2 is pretty much indistinguishable from the original tape.