AES48 , is there a test to determine?

I just got a Benchmark HPA4 preamp that I know adheres to the AES48 standard. It sits between my Schiit Yiggy dac and PS Audio M700 mono amps. All 3 components have XLR connections, but without contacting the companies, is there some type of easy test to find out if the other two are AES48?

Yes, our units do support the AES48 standard.

Rory Rall
Sales Mgr.
Benchmark Media Systems, Inc.
203 E. Hampton Place, Ste 2
Syracuse, NY 13206
fax 315-437-8119

@yyzsantabarbara, does the benchmark conform to the AES48 standard in their design application, or does the unit merely support an AES48 input signal ?  Kinda like when a manufacture says that their unit supports xlr inputs, but they are merely single ended connection. 
@testpilot  You should email the designer of the BM gear.  I won't do that since I already bugged him with a few emails on compatibility of the AHB2 with my Thiel CS3.7's.

John Siau - - designer - is the email of the Sales guy.