Sony 777ES digital or analog best for audio?

I have a Sony 777ES 400 disc DVD changer and am wondering if an analog connection would be best for two-channel listening? It's currently hooked up to an Arcam AVR300 via a Kimber D-60. The D-60 is connected to the AVR300's digital DVD in. Will using my Kimber Silver Streak analog cables yield me better sound for two-channel listening? Are the DACs in the 777ES better for music than the Arcam DACs that I'm assuming I'm using currently with the D-60 connection for DVD/HT?

Thanks for any input.

Who knows? But if you have the cables, why not just try it and see/hear for yourself...???
Well, my Kimber Silver Streak cables are only .5 meter and I'm going to have to do some major equipment adjusting to test them. I was actually going to get another 1 meter pair of analog cables just to A/B them. Should I stick with Silver Streak or is there another comparable cable or less($) to set my sights on? I have a .5 pair of Silver Streak and an extra (I have two) 1 meter D-60 FS or trade BTW. I'll be listing them soon. My main concern is would I gain more sound quality for music via analog or digital with my equipment?
I don't think the Sony has particularly strong redbook CD performance, but the DAC in your receiver may not be all that great either -- so you'd really need to try it. And the particular interconnects and digital cable used would definitely factor in to your impressions. I'd probably pick up a pair of SignalCable Analog Two interconnects just to try it out. I don't know that model of Kimber, but if it's silver it may be a bit on the bright side...