Truly Balanced Cheaper Preamplifiers?

I recently came into possession of a truly balanced stereo amplifier. In order to get the best out of it, naturally I need to run fully balanced. New or used, tube or SS, preferably at the lower end of the $$$, can you give me examples of truly balanced preamplifiers? 
I’ve been running a Classe Audio Thirty preamp in balanced mode for many years.  Given it was made in the early 90s you should be able to pick one up for a few hundred now.  In addition to balanced out it has one balanced input plus RCA inputs labeled tuner, cd, video, and phono/aux.  The phono/aux input on mine is used as aux as I have no turntable.  Jumpers are included with it so you can switch it back to phono.  I have a Schiit Modius on order so I can take advantage of its balanced input.  While some have described it as mildly dark I have always found the Thirty to be very neutral.  It’s the reason I’ve used it for so long.
I support the Schiit Freya + suggestion as well. I picked one up used at a great price, and it's been audio nirvana ever since.  

I had a single ended headphone amp that had humming issues.   I tried some of everything including changing power supplies but it persisted.  I replaced it with a balanced rig and all has been well since.

I use the Freya + in my main system and wanted to try something different in my bedroom system.  As with the OP, I would like to hear about more pre-amps in the sub $1K arena.
There perhaps needs to be clarity and (dare I say) agreement over what 'truly balanced' actually is, circuitwise.  There seems to be different opinions.

Recently I have contributed to a debate concerning the Audio Research Ref Phono 3SE.  This is described by AR as 'fully balanced'.  Yet a glance at the back plate reveals phono inputs only.

When AR were questioned as to how the amplifier can be fully balanced, they said:

 The REF Phono 3SE does not have balanced inputs. We create a balanced signal after the inputs using a phase inverter. What turntable are you using that has balanced outputs? The outputs of the Phono 3SE are balanced and will feed your line stage with a balanced signal, pin two is positive, pin 3 is negative, and pin one is ground.
Summary: The phase inverter does not increase the gain of the unit, it simply maintains a balance signal through the circuitry. This does provide CMR but we have no published specs on that to share.
Summary: The REF Phono 3 uses a phase inverter circuit which converts the single ended inputs to balanced so the unit is fully balanced through the unit at at the XLR outputs

All very strange.

'The Ref Phono 3SE does not have balanced inputs'.
Why not?  Many of AR's other pre-amps have balanced inputs using XLRs.   What magic is the ;phase inverter circuit' and even if it works, why bother?

'What turntable are you using that has balanced outputs?'
Very strange response, entirely off-message. Turntables don't have 'outputs'. At this level everyone uses separates. The output is from the cartridge and can be connected balanced or not, at choice. I am afraid the responder is a marketing man, not an engineer, and knows little.

So is this amp 'fully balanced' or not?
Best to steer clear. As I did, and bought the vdH Grail SB that can be run fully balanced or single ended - has to be one or the other from input to output.

Can someone help please.  AR don't seem to be able to.

IMO AR is not the same company since Mr Johnson left the stage.  Pity.