Need a monitor while floorstanders in storage

I need some recommendations for a monitor speaker at $500 or less used. Some of the Totem small floorstanders are out of my price range even used, like the Arro or Staff. I have been reommended PSB Alpha-1, Music Hall's new speaker called the Marimba. Will appreciate any recommendation. Thank you
What about the Totem Arro as a possible monitor like speaker?? I have heard them, but am concerned about their 4.5 inch woofer providing decent bass and not blowing out. I tend to play it loud, but not headbagger loud.
What about an older set of Signets? They beat out LS35A's in dynamics and have very good bass extension for the size.
Not the focus in the highs of a Tablette, but a pretty nice midrange and available for 200 or less all day long.
Geez, what doesn't beat out the LS35a's in dynamics? Or bass extension? LS35a's are the poster boy for whimpy, albeit clear and realistic, sound.
I don't think you can go wrong with Paradigm Studio 20's. I can only speak as to the original version. They were the best "bookshelf"/"monitor" speakers I have heard.