*WHITE PAPER* The Sound of Music - How & Why the Speaker Cable Matters


I’ve spent a sizeable amount of the last year putting together this white paper: The Sound of Music and Error in Your Speaker Cables

Yes, I’ve done it for all the naysayers but mainly for all the cable advocates that know how you connect your separates determines the level of accuracy you can part from your system.

I’ve often theorized what is happening but now, here is some proof of what we are indeed hearing in speaker cables caused by the mismatch between the characteristic impedance of the speaker cable and the loudspeaker impedance.

I’ve included the circuit so you can build and test this out for yourselves.

Let the fun begin

Max Townshend 

Townshend Audio

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Post removed 
millercarbon7,408 posts01-21-2021 1:59amRemarkable the way people who have never heard them nevertheless know they can’t work. Sadly, I possess no powers that enable me to know how anything sounds by looking. Or measuring. The only cable measurement I have any faith in at all is length. The only way I know to determine how something sounds is to hook it up and listen.

Might be a while. But I am working on it.

It's pretty remarkable that people, without taking time to read and understand threads will continually jump to wrong conclusions.

The thread panned Max's "research" and white paper which grossly flawed in so many ways that the best thing to do would have been just to delete it.

Max did create a low inductance cable, and yes just like the Alpha Core Goertz essentially.  We know that a low inductance cable is generally preferable, within limits, and that too much capacitance makes some amps unhappy.  Really, not much more was said in this thread, though Max did attempt unsuccessful to establish he was right when it should have been quite obvious early on he was not.  These issues and his inaccurate understanding of cable impedance at audio frequencies was pointed out to him almost a year ago on ASR. A regular reaction to that would be to research and understand if you are wrong or not before publishing a paper.

Mr. millercarbon 

With all the respect to your empiring methode, it will take you a lifetime to tune into the right cable, and still you may not get there. On top, when cables are relatively costly, it may cost you a bit.
If you would step up and use your brain, you could be there (the best cable for your system) at one try, just by a small calculation. I'll be happy to do that for you. All I need is the Amp's Df figure and the length of the cables required.

Yes, I see. It's clear I have much to learn. I know only of cathode, triode, pentode. What is this "methode" of which you speak? 

My Melody integrated amp is model I-880. You can use your incredible expertise to look up the DF. I require 8 feet. Can't wait to hear the wonderful wires you build me.
I am with MC on this one?  Huh?  That makes little sense.  Except at low frequencies, with any large size conductor, the inductance will dominate over the resistance most of the time and the DF changes with frequency.

b4icu477 posts01-21-2021 2:24amMr. millercarbon

With all the respect to your empiring methode, it will take you a lifetime to tune into the right cable, and still you may not get there. On top, when cables are relatively costly, it may cost you a bit.
If you would step up and use your brain, you could be there (the best cable for your system) at one try, just by a small calculation. I'll be happy to do that for you. All I need is the Amp's Df figure and the length of the cables required.

http://bit.ly/3sUrqds Also found this review from the one and only Martin Colloms, HiFi Critic Mag.

Scoring a 95% and AUDIO EXCELLENCE Townshend F1 Fractal Cable review

It seems to back up Millercarbon’s trusty empirical lugs:
