Having owned both the 250 and the M16 I'd not match the 250 with the M16. My experience was the 16 is a "good" performer, just not a great performer. At the time I owned the 16 I had a BAT VK40 w/phono which, sonically speaking, blew the 16 out of the water. Great brick remote that doubles as a barbell exerciser though. Plinius builds superb amps, which one has to search far and wide, and generally spend megabucks to find better performance. However, I'm not a fan of their preamps, and found the 16 nothing special, even at the low prices they occasionally appear used. I'd mate most any BAT, or Pass, preamp with the SA250. I desired the 16, for reasons of manufacturer matching, to deliver the goods but in the end it could not. Great phono stage in the unit though!