Audio research ref 6SE vs world

Which tube or SS line stage do you like as much or more and why? Any cheaper options that you actually preferred?
OP — are you arbitrarily using ARC REF6SE as a benchmark because you know its sound?  My big system uses that pre-amp, and I’m in love with it.  It beats what I’ve used before in that room by a wide margin, but then again everything I used before was not truly competitive.  I definitely prefer it to the McIntosh house sound.  And it can wear different hats depending on cartridge, or DAC upgrades.  But I’ve never heard VAC, or VTL, or Ayre in my room/system. I do push back gently on the idea that ARC’s high def sound brings you closer to SS.  I hear finesse, air, levitation, dimensionality+ — yes, in a very resolving package — way more than the best SS, including the Progression integrated that I use in my home office.  IOW, don’t hold it against ARC that they achieved resolution levels we don’t expect from tubes (I put VTL and VAC in the same camp). If you need gobs of grip and impact, SS is my suggestion.  But I’m presupposing by your question that you know those basics.  
Thanks everyone.
@jgoldrick That is really impressive! Makes me want pass more... the detail but that slight warmth and richness. I find pass does a 3d effect really well too and hoping the pass pre accentuates that.
@richmos Actually there is a local BAT VK-23SE  for sale but the dealer asking way too much if its a used unit. I really like the look of the BAT tube amps, especially the rex 3, looks extremely well made... but of course very pricey (and guessing not good re-sale in case I change my mind).
@tinear123 Ya that does look intriguing, I bet great value for the money, one was recently sold though and the seller said he just didn't like the sound sadly.
@Verdantaudio I spoke with Kevin if he could have a VAC sig mk2 that is in the states looked over and possibly upgraded to SE status (obviously for a fee) and he declined since I Am in canada, told me to deal with Canadian dealer. Spoke with them and they said they would not do anything for me unless I bought from them. So VAC is out for me sadly.
@tomic601  I really like the build quality of the aesthetix, seems very clean and organized. There is a local calypso for sale but of course its risky as very little re-sale ability with that.
@redwoodaudio Will look into the EAR868. What other preamps did you compare it to? Did you like compare to pass pres ?