Schiit Freya order delay, no clue when it will arrive

So, ordered 6 weeks ago, and still no word on when it will be shipped.

anyone receive one lately?
That's interesting that they haven't updated their web site. They have some other products that show "backordered" with availability dates not until later in January or even February.   In any case, good luck.
Similar issue here. Placed order late December expecting 7-10 day production delay. Checked in after a 10 days and was told "parts arrived, but could be 2 more weeks." Checked back 2 weeks later and now they're saying end of March. Likely going to cancel my order. 
Site now says freya ships March 25.

because of this forum, they finally changed their website and messaging. They never admitted problems up till now. Now we all wait for delivery.

clearly they stopped shipping orders. Grossly misleading for too long