Warm, rich but detailed SS preamp (made you give up tubes)

Anyone come a cross a warm, rich but detailed solid state preamp that engaged you and gave you that spatiality of a good tube preamp?

I suppose im thinking of C900u or Accuphase?
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Lamm Industries L2.1 Reference. It isn’t "warm" - it’s extraordinarily natural, and I’d argue that’s what you meant in your description and the only thing you’d want for long term satisfaction.

Here’s a review in Stereophile magazine: https://www.stereophile.com/content/lamm-industries-l21-reference-preamplifier, and another in The Absolute Sound: https://www.theabsolutesound.com/articles/lamm-industries-l21-reference-line-preamplifier. It's a special piece.

Industry disclosure: I’m a Lamm dealer.