Amps to match kef blade2

I recently bought a pair of blade 2 from local dealer. I'm driving it naim nova. I don't like a lot of boxes, would accept one streamer/dac + one integrated amp or a better one box solution like nova. Currently looking at hegel h590, gryphon diablo 300 and luxman 509. wonder if there are better suggestions or help me choose which one should I buy.
I would go for a Gryphon Diablo, that will drive anything and remain absolutely stable . 
For a true one box solution, the AVM CS 8.3 is incredible.  It has a tube input stage, the software had been radically improved from the old x.2 software and sound really is phenomenal.

I have a customer who is using their flagship monos with Kef Reference 5 and it is a magical combination.  Totally, the All-in-one will sound exactly the same.  
They make a great integrated amp and separate streamer, etc... but that one box solution is really cool.  
From your list above, you can’t go wrong with the Gryphon.   Wonderful unit.  Good sound and great resale value as they are always in demand.