Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat

Does anyone know the intricate details of how these most current PPS eMats differ, aside by appearance, from the previous two generations of PPT eMat & eMat+?.any insight will be greatly appreciated...

Thanx! Mooncrikit
Some of us are iconoblasts.

(no millercarbon, Google will not make it quick, you have to know the words)
some of us understand the tech so we don’t wander randomly hoping for that next increment......and clearly the tech frontier is evolving, expanding and as yet does not fully explain music, let alone music reproduction.

enjoy the music

but never embrace the Nazi or those who support them

what did King Dotard say “ stand by “.....
@mooncrikit  I am using 4 of the original emats as well as TC from PPT everywhere in my system but none of my searches have linked to a "Perfect Path Solutions" company or anything from them except a review from MC of TC from PPS which was obviously a PPT product.

Care to share one?

The mat is a silly concept that does nothing but massage the brains of the people that waste money on it.

You will note Mijoystyn I have never called the product silly. I even gave it the benefit of the doubt it does something.  In that aspect I am not being harsh at all.  I don't for a minute believe the company that produced it had any ability to effectively create an effective EMI absorbing mat let alone measure it to show effectiveness. That is not being harsh or talking ill it is just what it is.  A review of their website while active was probably a good reflection of their capabilities.

Now the claims that are made about said product those are totally silly.  I didn't even realize how silly till someone pointed them out in this thread. I thought they were joking. Turns out nope.  That is a reflection on the people making the claims, not the purveyor of the product.